1·It is used for clear food packaging and plumbing pipe.
2·I plant predecessor was founded in 1990, mainly produces plumbing pipe fittings, in accordance with national standards.
3·This allows for more realistic sound during exteriorscenes, and allows for underground plumbing to pipe-in real steam from the manholes.
4·To this end, we attach a "tee" (T-shape pipe) that permits two things at the same time: placing the output into a file AND displaying the output into the screen. The plumbing analogy would be.
为达到此目的,我们连接允许两件事同时进行的“ tee ” (t -形管道):将输出结果放在文件中同时将输出结果显示在屏幕上。
5·In fact, the only way to get the white person to choose the plumbing option would be to convince him it was leading towards some sort of end of Summer pipe-art installation.
6·Directed workers engaged in pipe cutting and preassembly and installation of plumbing systems and components.
7·After clattering along the grating for several minutes, we reach the back of the machine. The pipe crew is busy adding new plumbing.
8·This allows for more realistic sound during exterior scenes, andallows for underground plumbing to pipe-in real steam from themanholes.